Van's Appearances & Speaking Events
Over the years Van has earned his reputation as a well-known broadcaster and great speaker. He continues to share his passion for radio, God and Iowa by speaking or broadcasting at local events. He's often asked to speak about radio, faith, his inventions, his books, his experiences with famous people and tell his funny and emotional stories. You can see Van at one of his appearances coming up!
AND!!! Another Van Harden authored book has just been released! It promises to be a big seller nationwide! See the "Books" category of this website!
Events to Watch for:
Each Sunday through April, Van is teaching a Bible study on the book of John at 9 am at the Ankeny First Church of Christ, 310 NW Ash Drive, just north of First Street, behind the fire department, and across from Hawkeye city park. Everyone is welcome!
Becky says we are having a garage sale with 2 garages at our house April 3, 8 to 5; April 4, 8 to 5; and April 5, 7 to 3. 1020 Rapids Street, Adel, Iowa. Van may be available to sell and autograph his books during the sale.
Monday, April 14, at 11:30 am Van speaks at a womens potluck luncheon at the Grinnell United Methodist Church.
Sunday, June 29 at 10 am, Van has been asked to give the sermon at the Jefferson, Iowa, First Baptist Church at 104 West Central Avenue. Everyone is welcome.
Saturday, August 2, 11:30 to 3 pm, Van does a book signing at the KXEL Radio Listener Appreciation Picnic at the National Cattle Congress Grounds in Waterloo.
Saturday, August 9, Van will be all over Adel during their annual huge sweet corn festival. Come for the parade. vendors, events and free sweet corn while it lasts.
Thursday, October 16, 12 noon, Van is the keynote speaker at the "Leading With Power" lunch at the Holiday Inn downtown, top of the tower. Info at